Pre-Training Survey

    On-site Training. Client Information

    Company Name *

    Primary Contact*

    Primary Phone No. *

    Primary Email *

    Secondary Contact

    Secondary Phone No.

    Secondary Email

    Technical Contact

    Technical Phone No.

    Technical Email

    Training Location

    Street Address/Suite




    Course Specifics

    Course Name

    Dates (MM/DD/YYYY)

    Course Length days

    Class Hours

    No. of Students

    Lunch Hours

    Site Logistics

    Security Requirements and Check In Procedures

    Where to check in?

    What ID is required?

    Will they need to obtain a badge?

    Do they require an escort?

    Parking Location and Procedures:

    Operational Information – Equipment

    Address for Books/Equipment Delivery (including contact):

    Classroom Logistics

    Number of PC’s:

    Type of PC’s:

    Classroom Shape

    Is the classroom networked?

    Does the classroom have a whiteboard?

    Will the classroom be opened at least 30 min. prior to the class?

    Are students allowed to eat or drink in the classroom?

    Is there internet access in the classroom?


    Does the classroom have a display system (projector)?

    If yes, what type?

    End of Class Directions – for example, PC shut-down, classroom lockup, etc.

    Additional Comments?

    * Required Fields



    GSA Schedule: 47QTCA19D008F