Please complete the questionnaire the best you can. It will help us determine your site's objectives, design, and functions.
Year Company Started
Your Name *
Email Address *
Please describe your company/organization in a few sentences.
What are the three most important things your company does or offers?
What is there about your company or your background that sets you apart from your competitors?
Do you have a slogan or tagline that clearly describes what you offer in terms of benefits or features?
Please describe your potential customers. Pay special attention to their income, interests, gender, age, etc. If your website is a business-to-business site, what sort of companies are you hoping to attract?
What are the three most common questions your customers ask you (online or off)?
Your Website Address (domain):
Host/Server (if known):
What is good about your existing site? What is working well?
What areas need improvement or are not working well?
Are you planning to do online sales? If so, what is the product, and approximately how many different products do you want to sell online?
If you were using a search engine, what words or phrases would you want to use to find your site? Which of these words or phrases is most important?
What features would you like your website to have:
Home Page Image Rotation with Captions & LinksHome Page Image Rotation - images onlyCustom Form(s)Responsive DesignKeyword Site SearchBlog or News - Archived Article ContentPhoto GalleryE-commerce/Shopping CartEvents CalendarCategorized Business DirectoryBasic PayPal Functionality (Donations)Ads (image based Ad Rotation)Booking ManagementCustom Web FontsSocial Media-Like/ShareGoogle Analytics-StatsOther (detail below)
Do you have any thoughts as to the type of content do you want visible on the home page? Blog Posts? Articles? Upcoming Events? Products?
Please list the names/URLs of five other sites that you like and specify why each is attractive to you. IE, what do you like about that particular site? Please include full URL (example:
Do you have a logo & other marketing material that you would like to be considered in the design of a new website? Specify.
Do you have ideas of the colors you'd like used in the design? Use specific colors or descriptive terms: Bright colors, pastel colors, earthy colors ... etc.
Do you want the "mood" of your site to be fun? Classy? Simple and clean? Professional? Sparce? Soft? Edgy? Other?
Do you have high quality photos we can use in the site design? Describe.
Below, please list the URL's for any Social Media you have set up for your company. Please include full URL
Are there any logos for association memberships, awards or certifications that should be part of the site's design?
Please use the following space to detail any additional information that you feel is important for your redesign.
* Required Fields