Dates GTR Venue Class Time (Eastern) Price Qty Action
April 16-17, 2025 GTR LIVE Online
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
$695.00 USD   
May 19-20, 2025 GTR LIVE Online
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
$695.00 USD   
July 2-3, 2025 GTR LIVE Online
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
$695.00 USD   
August 11-12, 2025 GTR LIVE Online
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
$695.00 USD   
GTR Class is Guaranteed to Run

  •  April 16, 2025 - April 17, 2025
     10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  •  May 19, 2025 - May 20, 2025
     10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  •  July 2, 2025 - July 3, 2025
     10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  •  August 11, 2025 - August 12, 2025
     10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Earn a Storyline Specialist Certificate after completing this 2-day class.


articulate storyline certified course

Articulate Storyline advanced training provides students with the knowledge and hands-on practice they need to develop and build advanced interactions and more projects with higher degree of complexity.

This class is for those who are already familiar and understand the main features of Storyline including creating new projects, work with layers, triggers, timelines, importing text, characters, audio and videos, quizzes and other basic functions, and would like to gain a deeper knowledge of Storyline.

This class builds upon fundamental skills in the Storyline Beginner (Level I) training by providing students with hands-on activities and skills developers need to customize the learner experience.

In this class we explore advanced Storyline features in depth including creating interactive software simulations, creating random quiz questions, motion paths, variables, conditional triggers, Javascript, advanced animation techniques, and games.

Learning Objectives:

  • Importing question slider from a spreadsheet
  • Create Pre and Post training assessments
  • Work with multiple results
  • Advanced Triggers and conditions (If and Else)
  • Work with audio and video triggers
  • Use detailed graphics properties
  • Implement interactive objects
  • Adjust variables based on other variables
  • Use the Timeline, Scenes, and Layers more efficiently
  • Use JavaScript to extend projects features
  • Use motion paths creatively and in various ways
  • Creating complete and seamless software simulations with ‘Action Fine Tuning’
  • Work with sliders and dials
  • Cross-reference variable between Sliders and Dials
  • Multi conditional triggers
  • Tips and Techniques
  • Work with the Media Library
  • Best Practices
  • Games


Animations with Motion Paths

  • Work with multiple Motion Paths
  • Use Triggers to control Motion Paths

Sliders, Dials, and 360-degree images

  • Understand Sliders, Dials, and Variables to better explain data ranges
  • Inter-Connect Sliders and Dials via variables
  • Create immersive interactive learning from Panoramic Images

Advanced Quizzes

  • Import Quiz Questions from Markup
  • Work with Pre and Post Tests
  • Set Up Custom Learner Paths
  • Create Question Banks


  • Manage scores and counters
  • Work with Random Number Variables
  • Concocting Variables

Using JavaScript

  • Extend Storyline with JavaScript
  • Pass variables between Storyline and JavaScript

Software Simulations

  • Understand the Storyline Screen Recordings workflow
  • Create an interactive video from a Screencast
  • Create Demo and Try simulations

Note: The lessons outlined above comprise activities typically covered in a class of this skill level. The instructor may, at the instructor’s discretion, alter the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.


Online Event


Live Online Training

Get the same training you expect in the classroom without leaving your office or home. These are NOT recorded classes. They are LIVE sessions with an expert instructor. We use the latest in video conferencing technologies and audio so you can confidently participate in any class just like being right there in person. We guarantee the effectiveness of our online training delivery approach that we will give you your money back if you are not totally satisfied.  Ask us for a demo.

Online class requirements:

  • Moderate to fast Internet
  • A phone or computer headset is required in order to hear the instructor/moderator). You can use Computer Audio (VoIP) or you can dial in from a regular phone.  For convenience, we recommend a hands-free headset or phone.
  • Training software must be installed on your computer (trial versions are acceptable)
  • RECOMMENDED: Dual Monitors or computers. For optimal online learning experience, we recommend participants have dual monitors or two computers. Your online classroom credentials allow you to join multiple times from multiple computers. Participants should use one monitor or computer to view the instructor’s shared screen and another monitor or computer to work with the software.

What happens when you enroll in an online class

When you register for an online class, you will receive a welcome email followed by login access to the Citrix GoToTraining virtual classroom. A workbook (printed copy or eBook) will be sent to you prior to the start of class.

Online Training Advantages

Convenience: You don’t have to travel and can attend from your home, office or anywhere with an internet connection. Our online classes are conducted using GoToTraining, a more robust version of the popular GoToMeeting screen sharing and conferencing platform. To accommodate multiple time zones, courses are typically scheduled from 10am – 5pm Eastern with a one-hour lunch break at 12:30 – 1:30 pm Eastern and a 10-minute break in the morning and afternoon. When conducting custom online course for your group, class times can be modified to accommodate your timezone.

Interactive Learning: Our online training is fully interactive. You can speak and chat with the instructor and classmates at any time. Various interactive techniques are used in every class. Our small class sizes (typically 4 – 8 students), allow our instructors to focus on individual performance and issues and to work closely with you to meet your unique needs. Classes are designed to be a hands-on learning experience, providing opportunities for you to try your new skills while the instructor is available for review, questions, and feedback. You have the option to give the instructor permission to view your computer to provide one-on-one assistance when needed.

GSA Schedule: 47QTCA19D008F